IXS Hack Race Elbow Pads - Elleboogbeschermers

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Product omschrijving

Taking a tumble and falling off is an almost inevitable part of mountain biking, particularly so as you increase your confidence and start looking to take on more technical trails. And for those times when you do come off your bike, the Hack Race Elbow Pads ensure you're not left bruised. The Qmatter padding provides protection against sharp impacts and this works with the outer impact shell to dissipate impact forces. Dust yourself down and keep riding.  To keep you comfortable on the trail, the sleeve is made of AeroMesh. This is light but tough and is both breathable and quick-wicking, preventing you from being drenched in sweat after a riding session. Adjustment straps top and bottom make it easy to dial in the fit and keep the pads secure.   


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630472653072