Troy Lee Designs D4 Carbon Stealth Helmet - Helmen

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Product omschrijving

Whipping tabletops, leaning into and accelerating hard out of berms, and straight-lining a rocky and rooty chute - mountain biking is thrilling when it's all going well. It's when things don't quite go to plan where the fabulous D4 Composite Stealth Helmet comes in. Should you hit the dirt then it's there to keep your head protected and you quickly back on your bike with minimal fuss. The first line of defence is the remarkably light but tough TeXtreme® Spread tow carbon fibre shell. This wraps around an impact-absorbing EPS foam core - the forces from any crash are absorbed and dissipated by this core, offering superb protection. Durability and strength are also enhanced by the way of In-mould polycarbonate around the vent openings and exposed EPS. This is a lid up to the demands of daily mountain biking. Meanwhile, breakaway screws prevent the visor from catching on the ground and help prevent neck injuries. Lastly, MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System) provides excellent brain-injury prevention - more on that below.  With this level of protection and head protection, you may think ventilation is compromised. But not a bit of it. Troy Lee have carefully engineered the outer vents and inner channels to work with the headliner so fresh air is free to circulate and keep you cool. Inside the D4 you'll enjoy the brilliant XT2 washable liner. Lesser helmets will use standard foam liners which after continued use can soon start to feel uncomfortable and even itchy. Not the XT2. This anti-bacterial liner ensures no nasty odours or itchiness, and being washable you'll be able to keep it fresh for every ride. What is MIPS? Multi-directional Impact Protection System (MIPS) is a proven system that reduces the rotational forces on the brain when you're involved in a crash. The forces are absorbed and redirected to prevent them from being transmitted to the brain.  MIPS is a Brain Protection System Rotational motion can cause brain injuries The low friction layer allows a sliding movement of 10–15 mm, in all directions, reducing rotational motion to the brain during impact MIPS adds protection Unrivalled protection, impressively lightweight but durable construction and excellent ventilation combine to make the D4 the best TLD full-face helmet yet. 


Merk Troy Lee Designs
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