Time ATAC XC 2 XC/CX Pedals - Klikpedalen

Van het merk Time

Er zijn helaas geen Time ATAC XC 2 XC/CX Pedals - Klikpedalen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Comprising of a glass-filled composite body, its rugged structure provides a platform fit for the most arduous of rides, while the steel axle and bearings provide a sturdy hold and smooth action as you propel yourself across the mountain. Featuring Time's exclusive Atac cleat engagement system, simple entry and exit is achieved, letting you focus on a fearless run to the finish line. Self-cleaning and capable of withstanding the harshest conditions and weather, these robust pedals are ready for every rambunctious race.


Merk Time
EAN 710845872532