Dhb Eco Bottle - Bidons

Van het merk Dhb

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Product omschrijving

The dhb Eco Bottle keeps liquids cold for up to 24 hours and hot for 12, making it perfect for even the longest workouts. dhb has used high-quality stainless steel for ultimate freshness and maximum flavour. For easy access, the Eco Bottle uses a leakproof screw-top lid, while a wide mouth opening makes it easy to fill with 500ml of your favourite drink. This bottle is easy to clean, but make sure you hand wash only. dhb’s Training collection    Training is for your next move. In the gym or on the mat, indoors or out. Planks, crunches, sets, reps or Asanas. Physical gains or mental well-being. It’s for the yogi, the weight-lifter, the athlete seeking a competitive advantage and everyone in between. Training is for finding your own flow. Don’t hold back.


Merk Dhb
EAN 5056389551362