Zone3 Aspire Wetsuit - Wetsuits

Van het merk Zone3

Er zijn helaas geen Zone3 Aspire Wetsuit - Wetsuits aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Since its launch in 2008, the Zone3 Aspire Wetsuit has been one of the highest-rated and most loved wetsuits on the market. Perfect for beginners and pros alike with performance-focused upgrades to further enhance your performance in the open water.  Crafted with Yamamoto neoprene (a more buoyant, environmentally-friendly neoprene, sourced from limestone instead of oil), the material ensures a much lighter, more flexible suit for maximum comfort, flexibility and performance. The X-10 shoulder panel design extends across the chest and shoulders to deliver more flexibility, comfort and stroke efficiency, while a B.R.E (Body Rotation Enhancement) panel on the front chest works to maximise the distance per stroke and aids with body roll during your swim. Designed with 5mm body panels with Aerodrome hip support for superior core stability and excellent buoyancy for enhanced body positioning. Finished with Silk-X lining to improve comfort while Cool-spot forearm panels give a better feel and catch in the water. Care Instructions Rinse well in fresh water after every use. Do not wash with detergent or bleach. Do not put it in the washing machine or tumble dryer. Do not iron. Dry inside out first and then dry outside. Minimise time left in direct sunlight and aim to dry in the shade. Storage Best kept flat and folded behind the knees and then in half, best stored in a cool place. Do not allow others to use your wetsuit. It has been fitted for your body shape and nobody larger. Avoid contacting the velcro with the inside lining of the wetsuit. 


Merk Zone3
EAN 5056305724979