OMM Kamleika Race Jacket - Jassen

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Product omschrijving

The OMM Kamleika Race Jacket takes the athlete onto the mountain with a shell layer that offers high-end protection from the wind and rain, all the while stretching to give freedom of movement and so aiding athletic performance. Highly waterproof, breathable and durable, and made with a lightweight Nylon face fabric, it is the perfect choice for those who have to head to the fells and need to wear a waterproof all day.  The Kamleika was and still is the original stretch running waterproof. Running in the mountains, the rain throws up as many challenges for kit as it does for people. This is particularly true when designing a waterproof where a blend of properties must be achieved. The Kamlieka is OMM’s answer to this challenge.


Merk Omm
EAN 5060824950351