Giro Chamber II Off Road Shoes - Fietsschoenen

Van het merk Giro

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Product omschrijving

Built for cycling over rough terrain but equally adept at support you out of the saddle in the great outdoors, the Giro Chamber II Off Road Shoes are an update of a genuine classic. They feature everything that you would expect, from clipless pedal compatibility to durable laces that hold a knot and a supportive fit but push beyond the usual with a durable out soul that features an aggressive tread pattern to keep you upright with perfect grip. Giro’s shoes are as tough as they come with an abrasion-resisting synthetic heel overlay and reinforced toe area but working with this is the highly breathable upper section that keeps you ventilated and wicks sweat away from the feet quickly. Find the confidence to take on whatever the trail could throw at you, thanks to the supreme Chamber II Off Road Shoes from Giro.


Merk Giro
EAN 768686083808