Troy Lee Designs Rogue Elbow Guard - Elleboogbeschermers

Van het merk Troy Lee Designs

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Product omschrijving

The rush of downhill mountain biking is hard to beat. But sometimes you'll find yourself pushing your limits a bit too far or caught out by trail features and find yourself crashing. The Rogue Elbow Guards ensure you should avoid getting bloodied and battered elbows when that happens. The construction is something you'll be familiar with, mimicking the designs of cycle helmets. This sees a hardshell outer layer, spreading impact forces over a large area to reduce their impact. Meanwhile, a soft EVA foam inner layer absorbs and lessens the force of impacts too. Together, the two layers provide a flexible and comfortable fit that's also highly protective, allowing you to move with ease and enjoy confidence over any terrain. A stretchy sleeve across the middle of the guards provides a secure and snug fit and you also have adjustable straps to let you cinch in the fit for added security. Heat and moisture are able to escape through spaced vent holes to the outer shell while the inner is breathable too. The result is comfort and protection working in perfect harmony. 


Merk Troy Lee Designs
EAN 887202381201