Bluegrass Solid D30 Knee Guards - Kniebeschermers

Van het merk Bluegrass

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Product omschrijving

Shred until your heart’s content! The Bluegrass Solid D30 Knee Guards ensure the possibilities are endless when it comes to attacking downhill sections and pinning kickers, providing unrivalled protection to fend off rough terrain and sharp edges. Crafted with the aspiration of becoming the most wearable form of safety to hit the trail, these stylish guards are made from extremely strong and durable Kevlar fabric which keeps the most exposed of areas safe. Helping you to avoid bumps and bruises, flying into the berm brimming with confidence lets you take on sections you previously would have avoided. Offering impressive ventilation and breathability, the Solid D30 Knee Guards are built for hard lines and keep you cool no matter how hard you attack the mountain. Sporting a zip closure for adjustable comfort, this offroad protection allows for a rapid cadence without compromising on the sitting of the guards. Thanks to the silicon grippers and straps, the Bluegrass creation stays in place from the first pedal until the last. With side soft pads and pioneering innovation thanks to the advanced D30 protection, the Knee Guards adapt to your environment and offer the ultimate form of protection on days spent exploring the beaten path.


Merk Bluegrass
EAN 8015190252810