Giro Hrc Team Socks - Sokken

Van het merk Giro

Er zijn helaas geen Giro Hrc Team Socks - Sokken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The HRC Team Socks have been developed for Pro Tour riders who demand the finest fit and comfort for long days in the saddle. When you pull them on you'll notice the light compression fit, designed to promote circulation and offer extra arch support, all in the pursuit of easing fatigue over the miles.  When the speed is raised and your heart rate and power output peak, you'll find the quick-wicking material prevents excess sweat from pooling on the skin and causing discomfort. Embedded with silver ions, the Q-Skin® fibres also prevent bacterial growth, preventing the build-up of odours and leaving your feet fresh at the end of a ride.      


Merk Giro
EAN 768686495243