Sportful Bomber Cycling Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Sportful

Er zijn helaas geen Sportful Bomber Cycling Jersey - Fietstruien aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Pro-Proven Performance You'll have seen this Bomber Cycling Jersey worn during WorldTour races and Grand Tours. Only with sponsors logos. This is a jersey with a focus on giving you those small but vital gains that can save precious energy for that final mad rush for the finish line.  Sportful have picked and deployed a combination of smooth and structured fabrics, each delivering distinct aerodynamic advantages as your speed increases. Superfluous details have also been removed in the pursuit of low-drag performance while also having the added advantage of keeping weight low too. Raw-cut edges, a no-collar design and fewer seams all contribute to the streamlined performance. Streamlined Fit As you might expect of a jersey designed for the speed of racing and faster training, the fit is extremely snug and close to the body. The ergonomic design still lets you move freely but keeps the fit smooth and crease-free, minimising speed-sapping drag when you get into an aggressively low riding position. Practical details also matter when it comes to racing. You'll be pleased to see a micromesh pocket to slip in your race number - no more ruining your fit and jersey with safety pins. You've also got three pockets to stash your nutrition, keeping you fuelled for tough training sessions and races. You’ve done the hard miles in winter and the excruciating interval sessions in spring, now it’s time to unload those hard-earned watts on the summer bike. The Bomber Cycling Jersey ensures your hard-won fitness is fully maximised.


Merk Sportful
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