Alé Prime Women's Como Short Sleeve Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

With the arrival of summer warmth and those longer days inviting more epic rides, the Prime Women's Como Short Sleeve Jersey ensures you remain feeling good from start to finish. It combines lightweight and breathable fabrics to great effect, keeping you dry and comfortable even under a sweltering sun.  To the body, a double-faced fabric is quick to wick excess moisture off your skin, preventing you from feeling drenched with sweat as the pace picks up in line with your increasing summer fitness. Meanwhile, the sides are made with a mesh fabric, providing a boost to ventilation and breathability. With extra airflow comes a speeding up of sweat evaporation, adding a welcome extra cooling effect on a hot day. The fit is kept more relaxed than Ale's race-focused PRR pro-range. This makes this jersey ideal for everyday comfort and for those of us not in the 'lean pro-rider' category. However, it's still streamlined enough to ensure your hard-earned fitness is maximised. The stretch of the jersey allows easy freedom of movement too, while silicone grippers along the hem and dye-cut sleeves both work to give a sleek finish. Lastly, reflective details mean you can be out after the sun sets and still catch attention as you pedal homewards.


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528454011