Inov-8 Women's VentureLite Mid Half Zip Top - Truien

Van het merk Inov 8

Er zijn helaas geen Inov-8 Women's VentureLite Mid Half Zip Top - Truien aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Made from recycled polyester, Inov-8's Women's VentureLite Mid Half Zip Top is a great all-rounder, great on its own, or for layering up. The top has a unique textured hexagon inner knit construction which provides excellent wicking properties, comfort, and effective warmth. The top is also incredibly lightweight and is built with clever features such as an integrated watch viewer, a small zipped essentials pocket, and built-in soft thumb holes which keep your sleeves in place.


Merk Inov 8
EAN 5054167685773