Genius Ideas Replacement sponge for Flexi Sponge

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Product omschrijving

Genius Ideas® GI-054663:Replacement sponge for Flexi Sponge This ultra-absorbent sponge takes up to 130ml liquid on! Thanks to its integrated pull-off lip, it is also ideal for window cleaning suitable. Particularly clever: Simply fold the handle after cleaning disassemble and wring out the sponge effortlessly.Its super-absorbent sponge can absorb up to 4 times its weight of liquid (130ml)The curve shape of the sponge catches liquids without overflowThe handles make it touch-free and avoid germs transferEasy to squeeze with its foldable handleIncludes a built-in squeegee to make any glass surface crystal clearItem dimensions: 23 x 6.7 x 2 cm. Material: PVA.Powered byFroala Editor


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