Alé Kimatik K-IDRO Cycling Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

From high-intensity training sessions in spring through to more steady-paced rides as summer turns to the cool of autumn, the Klimatik K-IDRO CyclingJersey will keep you protected from cold winds, light rain and sudden showers. The combination of Acquazero/Thermoacquazero water-resistant fabrics means you can ride longer in the wet before needing to pull on a hardshell rain jacket.  A full-length front zip makes it easy to regulate airflow, and it has an inner windshield to prevent cold air from seeping in when you're zipped up. A tall collar prevents cold winds from getting inside too. And with its racing fit, you'll enjoy smooth and streamlined progress as you put the power down. 


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528323553