Alé PR-S Bullet Winter DWR Bib Jersey - Fietstruien

Van het merk Ale

Er zijn helaas geen Alé PR-S Bullet Winter DWR Bib Jersey - Fietstruien aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Riding in changeable weather is difficult to dress for, where you want to be protected from the elements but still need excellent breathability to prevent overheating when the weather improves. Rather than use a water/wind resistant membrane for the PR-S Bullet Winter DWR Jersey, Ale has used a cosy microfibre fabric with an all-over water-resistant finish. This fends off light rain and provides medium insulation but there's no sacrifice to breathability thanks to excellent air exchange. When pushing hard you won't get drenched in sweat leaving you dry and comfortable as you ease the pace.  The 'Racing Fit' keeps drag to a minimum, saving energy during your training rides. Speaking of energy, the rear pockets keep your energy bars and gels within easy reach while also making space for spares and a rain jacket or vest. A silicone waist hem and J-Stability System provide a flush fit with your winter tights/shorts and reflective logos keep you visible during evening training rides. 


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528377990