Alé Slide Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Ale

Er zijn helaas geen Alé Slide Jacket - Jassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Slide Jacket is a high-performance jacket made with a high-performance windproof fabric, Laminated 3L Square (Windtex), to deliver extreme comfort in cooler weather conditions. The inner square pattern face is quick to draw excess moisture off the skin to leave you sweat-free and at the same time creates insulating air pockets to maintain the ideal body temperature when cycling. With its water-resistant outer the Slide Jacket will also shrug off muddy and damp conditions on the road. With a 'racing' fit you can also be sure you'll not be slowed down by a loose jacket, letting you give your all on speedy winter pace lines and early season interval sessions.


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528255687