Alé Women's R-EV1 Silver Cooling Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

Not only will the Women's R-EV1 Silver Cooling Cycling Jersey keep you feeling fresh it's advanced fabric technology also works to dissipate body heat more efficiently. The Jacquard design increases surface area to improve sweat-wicking performance while also allowing for both excellent breathability and ventilation. As the day warms up or your efforts increase, this will contribute to maintaining a stable body temperature and optimise your performance.  Silver-ions battle smell-causing bacteria to keep everything fresh. And when you need some extra airflow, the full-length front zipper makes it easy to control venting.  Racing Fit As you'd expect of the cutting-edge R-EV1 range, the Silver Cooling jersey benefits from a racing fit and bonded seam technology. This combination provides a superbly low-drag fit that ensures all your hard-won fitness isn't wasted battling a loose and poorly fitting jersey.  A silicone elastic waistband keeps the jersey snug as you adopt more aggressive riding positions. 


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EAN 8055528347894