Alé KLIMATIK K-Idro WR Jersey - Fietstruien

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Product omschrijving

If the weather is cool and damp but you've got a high-intensity interval session on your training plan or you've got a race on your calendar, the KLIMATIK K-Idro WR Jersey makes sure you enjoy extra comfort as your legs scream with lactic.  Pivotal in the K-Idro Jacket's performance is the use of Thermo- Acquazero material. This double-sided fabric has a quick-wicking inner face, drawing sweat build-up from the inside of your jersey to the outside. The outer face then facilitates rapid evaporation of this moisture. This ensures a ride of harder efforts followed by easy efforts won't leave you drenched in sweat and feeling chilly.  Acquazero also has a long-lasting water-repellent treatment, shrugging off bouts of rain that might roll through while you're riding. This treatment doesn't affect breathability either.  With dark clouds or late-evening training comes low light conditions. And here the rear LED light keeps you visible on the road. Reflective details also make you easier to spot when caught in the beam of vehicle headlights.  Racing Fit The fit of the jersey is tailored to be close to the body and streamlined. This makes it ideally suited to the demands of racing as well as training rides, where you don't want to be wasting energy fighting flapping fabric. 


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EAN 8055528319518