Suntour Axon 34 Air Boost Fork - Verende vorken

Van het merk Suntour

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Product omschrijving

Modern XC racing is as much about strong legs as it is about owning the trail. On the very top level, the Olympic games or the World Cup, there is no room for weaknesses, no interest in excuses. Classed as a multiple World Champion platform, this XC fork features 34mm aluminium stanchions for handling big hits and harsh vibrations as you navigate your way around the course. Suntour has also kitted out this model with magnesium lower legs and a forged aluminium crown for dependable stiffness and durability while keeping weight to a minimum. Air Spring Designed to handle the demands of modern cross country riding and racing, this suspension fork comes equipped with a lightweight air spring. As a result, it smoothens out your ride across mixed terrains without adding any unnecessary excess weight. The Suntour Axon 34 Air Boost Fork is also electric bike ready and it can handle the increased speed, torque and power that's produced by E-bike motor systems. One final highlight is it's disc brake compatible, so you can fit your favourite hydraulic disc brakes and enjoy powerful and consistent braking performance.


Merk Suntour
EAN 5056389527534