Makeup Revolution Smoke and Mirrors Set

Van het merk Makeup Revolution

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Product omschrijving

Offering an exclusive array of sultry glam essentials, the Smoke & Mirrors Set from Makeup Revolution has you prepped and ready for all occasions. The 9 piece limited-edition collection transports you to a make-up paradise, featuring an array of must-have products including a warm-tone shimmering eye shadow palette, sculpting contour and highlight palette and deep red lip creme. Set Contents: Revolution Pro The Illustrator Prefigure Lightening Contour Kit FO2 Ultra Pro Glow Brow Tint Taupe Renaissance Lipstick Triumph Renaissance Lipliner Exempt Revolution Pro Supreme Eyeshadow Palette Intoxicate Revolution Pro Eyebrow Cushion Chocolate Revolution Piece of Cake 101 Creme Lip


Merk Makeup Revolution
EAN 5057566611435