Beautystat Moisture Bundle

Van het merk Beautystat

Er zijn helaas geen Beautystat Moisture Bundle aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Improve skin hydration by leaps and bounds. Introduce the BeautyStat Moisture Bundle into your usual routine if your skin feels stripped of hydration. Reintroduce your skin to long-lasting hydration with actives like hyaluronic acid, ceramides and 100% pure squalane to encourage a softer, plumper complexion. Set Contents: Universal Pro-Bio Moisture Boost Cream 30g A lightweight, fragrance-free moisturiser compatible with sensitive and dry skin types. Botanicals, ceramides and hyaluronic acid join forces with powerful antioxidants and probiotics to intensely hydrate and nourish, encouraging a smooth, supple surface. Universal Moisture Essence 30ml Derived from sustainable plant sugar, 100% pure squalane lies at the heart of this incredibly moisturising serum. Quickly absorbed with an undetectable feel, the non-comedogenic oil improves skin hydration, making it exceptionally comforting to dehydrated or sensitive skin prone to tightness and dry lines.


Merk Beautystat
EAN 860001453010