Grüum Läka Soothing After Sun Mist 120ml

Van het merk Grueum

Er zijn helaas geen grüum Läka Soothing After Sun Mist 120ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Grüum Läka Soothing After Sun Mist is designed to calm skin after a day in the sun. In a handy spray bottle, the 98% natural formula is infused with aloe vera to help hydrate and moisturise your skin.Eucalyptus and lavender then work to cool and soothe the feel of sun-stressed skin. This face mist is perfect for use on holidays or after rare cases of British sunshine. Suitable for all skin types.Vegan and cruelty-free.Made in the UK.


Merk Grueum
EAN 5060677251834