Erborian The BB Skin House Doré

Van het merk Erborian

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Product omschrijving

Erborian’s The BB Skin House unites the label’s signature BB Crème with the radiant Milk & Peel mask. Imbued with traditional Oriental Herbs, each expert formula works to uncover naturally luminous skin to empower your authentic sense of self. Set Contents: BB Creme in ‘Doré’ 45ml Lightweight and subtly pigmented, the cream works to even out and mattify the base, refining tone and texture. Working to reduce the appearance of any imperfections, the formula leaves skin with a non-oily, velvety finish. Transforming your visage, skin will look smoother and feel softer. Milk & Peel Mask 60ml This brightening mask is formulated with Sesame Milk, renowned for its ability to reduce unwanted roughness and texture, for a smoother complexion. Exfoliating Enzymes work to help reduce the build-up of dead skin cells to prevent dullness, congestion and uneven skin texture.


Merk Erborian
EAN 3760239247351