Grüum Salt and Soak Gift Set

Van het merk Grueum

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Product omschrijving

Wind down with soothing, skin-loving formulas with the grüum Salt and Soak Gift Set, a three-piece collection to upgrade any bath time routine. Set Contents: sugn Rose & Vanilla Bath Soak 120ml This bath soak is infused with a relaxing rose and vanilla fragrance. Designed to create a soothing ambience, the luxury formula is also packed with gentle ingredients to help nourish the skin and rejuvenate the senses. blöta Lavender and Chamomile Salt Soak 120ml A luxurious bath soak to enhance your evening routine. Sprinkle into a hot bath and indulge in the calming, skin-loving blend of chamomile and lavender. Bath Fizzers x 6 Heart-shaped bath fizzers to lend a touch of luxury to your bathing ritual.


Merk Grueum
EAN 5060677251902