Freezeframe Body Perfection Set 2 x 50ml

Van het merk Freezeframe

Er zijn helaas geen freezeframe Body Perfection Set 2 x 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Help to tone and define your whole body with the freezeframe Body Perfection Set, a duo of enhancing creams that aim to improve the appearance of breasts, tummy and other common worry areas. The Set Contains: Non-Surgical Breast Enhancer (50ml) Improve the appearance of fullness and firmness with this non-surgical breast enhancer, a much safer and easier alternative to hormone treatment. The cream uses two Active Compounds to enhance lift and volume, as well as a natural blend of Plant Extracts that aim to increase the appearance of the size of breasts in just 28 days. Tummy Tuck (50ml) This self-heating cream helps to give the appearance of a flatter stomach for a visibly slimmer effect. Tummy Tuck is enriched with a Marine Peptide derived from a rare sea sponge which aims to mimic the muscle-toning benefits of exercise. The cream can also be used to define the appearance of the waistline, thighs and upper arms.


Merk Freezeframe
EAN 9342905007465