Kitsch Eco-Friendly Ultimate Cleansing Kit

Van het merk Kitsch

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Product omschrijving

Discover a cleansing routine that’s kind to both your skin and the planet with Kitsch’s Eco-Friendly Ultimate Cleansing Kit. The Set Contains: Mini face rounds 7pcs: Consciously crafted from organic cotton and bamboo, the luxuriously soft cleansing rounds provide a sustainable alternative to disposable cotton pads and makeup wipes. Luxuriously soft, the rounds remove all traces of makeup whilst being gentle on the skin, ideal for use with toner or makeup remover. Exfoliator sponge The exfoliator sponge pairs perfectly with your favourite cleanser, helping to buff away dead skin cells to leave the complexion feeling smooth and soft. Cotton Face Towel: This gentle cotton face towel is ideal for removing cleanser residue, leaving the skin dry and prepped for further skincare. Mesh Zip Wash Bag: Keep all of your skincare essentials to hand with this re-usable wash bag.


Merk Kitsch
EAN 819677024819