Nuture Nourishing Skin Treatment Oil 150ml

Van het merk Nuture

Er zijn helaas geen Nuture Nourishing Skin Treatment Oil 150ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Nuture Nourishing Skin Treatment Oil is deeply moisturising and restorative oil designed to help improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and dry skin. Enriched with omega-rich oils including rosehip, sweet almond, grapeseed and chia, the nourishing spray absorbs quickly into the skin to promote elasticity and suppleness. A boost of vitamin E and plant-derived squalane work to replenish hydration. The nutrient-dense formula is packed with essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Suitable for face and body, it helps to leave skin feeling soothed and softened.


Merk Nuture
EAN 5012008691406