Nuture Nourishing Skin Treatment Cream 100ml

Van het merk Nuture

Er zijn helaas geen Nuture Nourishing Skin Treatment Cream 100ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Nuture Nourishing Skin Treatment Cream is a body lotion designed to soothe the appearance of stretch marks and balance skin tone for a clarified result. Infused with a blend of plant-based actives, the formula features squalene, centella extract and collagen that work together to comfort and hydrate the skin's surface. For daily use, the body cream helps to support skin elasticity by cocooning in a medley of shea butter, coconut oil and omega-rich oils, working to keep skin looking and feeling rejuvenated.


Merk Nuture
EAN 5012008691000