Five Dot Botanics Nourish and Brighten Gift Set

Van het merk Five Dot Botanics

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Product omschrijving

Discover the full range of Five Dot Botanics’ minimalist serums powered by the goodness of plants. Lovingly crafted from natural botanicals, the clean and concentrated no-nonsense formulas deeply nourish your skin and revive its natural lustre. Made in Britain. Set Contents: Deep Feed Green Coffee + Cacay Nourishing Facial Serum 30ml A hydrating, radiance-boosting serum made using only five essential ingredients from flowers, nuts, fruits and botanicals. Lightweight and fast-absorbing, the serum blends safflower seed oil, arabica coffee, kahai nut oil, amla fruit and chamomile flower oil to lock in lasting moisture and banish dryness. Full Bright Horse Chestnut + Caffeine Renewal Eye Serum 10ml A vegan serum that enlivens tired-looking eyes with a shot of caffeine and hydrating ingredients to cool and depuff. Dark circles, crow’s feet and fatigue appear reduced and skin cell regeneration is supported, thanks to Mediterranean liquorice root. Daily Prep Carrot + Evening Primrose Facial Oil Sample An antioxidant-rich face oil that instantly banishes dryness and promotes a softer, smoother complexion, thanks to a blend of grapeseed, sunflower, carrot, ubuntu seed and evening primrose oils. The oils unite to lock in essential moisture and rebalance depleted skin.


Merk Five Dot Botanics
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