Skinny Tan Peaches and Cream Self Tanning Whip 150ml

Van het merk Skinny Tan

Er zijn helaas geen Skinny Tan Peaches and Cream Self Tanning Whip 150ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Skinny Tan Peaches and Cream Self Tanning Whip is enriched with a nourishing blend of castor oil, cocoa butter and glycerine, helping to hydrate the skin while supporting the moisture barrier. Veil your skin in the lightweight whipped mouse for a natural bronze glow. Aloe vera leaf extract and vitamin E help to condition the skin while an infusion of ripe peaches and creamy vanilla creates an indulgent summery scent. Channel your inner bronze goddess and achieve a flattering, flawless tan in 6-8 hours.


Merk Skinny Tan
EAN 9346752003526