Skinny Tan Dry Mist Finishing Spray 200ml

Van het merk Skinny Tan

Er zijn helaas geen Skinny Tan Dry Mist Finishing Spray 200ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Discover the Skinny Tan Dry Mist Finishing Spray, an innovative formula that seeks to instantly set self-tan and minimise stickiness. Compatible with any self-tanner, the powder formula distributes a lightweight veil over the skin to help prevent colour transfer caused by sweat and heat. The aloe vera-enriched formula offers a soothing effect, working to hydrate and nourish the skin, as the spray envelops the body in a refreshing coconut and vanilla fragrance. The mist boasts a spray bottle design, helping to ensure effortless application. Vegan and cruelty-free.


Merk Skinny Tan
EAN 9346752003410