Murad Blemish Clearing Set

Van het merk Murad

Er zijn helaas geen Murad Blemish Clearing Set aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A bundle designed for daily use, the Murad Blemish Clearing Set contains a cleanser to remove impurities, and a serum to support an even skin tone. The collection is ideal for oily to combination skin, to unclog pores and leave skin feeling refreshed. Set contents: Clarifying Cleanser 200ml The gentle formula cleanses the skin without stripping natural oils to promote a balanced complexion. The cleanser combines two variations of salicylic acid, a free form that begins immediate treatment, alongside an encapsulated form that continues to work even after rinsing. Rapid Relief Spot Treatment 15ml The clear formula offers discreet care for blemish-prone skin, featuring salicylic acid to gently exfoliate pores and remove impurities.


Merk Murad
EAN 767332926445