AMELIORATE Facial Cleansing Kit

Van het merk Ameliorate

Er zijn helaas geen AMELIORATE Facial Cleansing Kit aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Discover AMELIORATE’s Facial Cleansing Kit, a duo of skincare essentials that work in harmony to help revitalise and nourish the complexion.Set Contents:Resurfacing Facial Cleanser 200mlFormulated specifically for dry skin types, this gentle cleanser melts into the skin, seeking to remove impurities and makeup with ease. The pH-balanced formula works to provide the visage with an intensive moisture boost, while promoting a brightened appearance. Infused with Polyhydroxy Therapy to help gently exfoliate the complexion, the creamy cleanser aims to leave the skin feeling soft and supple to the touch.Replenishing Facial Cream 75mlA daily face cream that works to provide long-lasting moisturisation. Boasting soothing properties, the formula is charged with AMELIORATE’s Omega Therapy and LaH6 Skin Hydration Complexion, helping to nourish dry, sensitive skin. The brightening cream additionally supports the skin’s elasticity, while seeking to minimise the appearance of fine lines.


Merk Ameliorate
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