Aurelia London The Blemish Heros Collection

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Product omschrijving

Give your skin a glow up with The Blemish Heros Collection from Aurelia London. Featuring a trio of clarifying skincare essentials, the set is offers a new daily regime to help balance oily and blemish-prone skin types. Set Contents: Balance and Purify Citrus Cleanser 120ml This fresh, gently foaming cleanser features the brand’s PROTIDA™ technology, alongside salicylic acid and witch hazel to help combat blemishes and inflammation. Nourishing marula oil and cold-pressed baobab oils work to balance the skin and prevent over-drying. Balancing Ultra-Light Moisturiser 50ml Offering lightweight hydration, this PROTIDA™ infused moisturiser works to replenish hydration and balance the complexion. Supporting the skin’s collagen and hyaluronic acid production, the moisturiser features astringent witch hazel, alongside antioxidant-rich mulberry, promoting a comfortable and clarified complexion. Probiotic Blemish Hero 15g A targeted treatment for blemishes, this soothing cream is formulated with distilled witch hazel and white china clay to help dry out blemishes and combat bacteria. Salicylic acid helps to fight congestion, while PROTIDA™ technology ensures balance and prevents over drying.


Merk Aurelia London
EAN 5060560752851