Kevyn Aucoin Neo-Highlighter - Sahara 6.8g

Van het merk Kevyn Aucoin

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Product omschrijving

Illuminate your skin with the Neo-Highlighter from Kevyn Aucoin. Offering three shades in one compact, this product is a seamless blend of three of Kevyn Aucoin’s best-selling highlighters: Candlelight, Starlight and Sunlight. This ombre compact creates a multidimensional glow, warming the skin with a soft, natural-looking highlight. Highly pigmented and creamy, this highlighter is long-lasting, staying by your side all day and night. The three colours give your highlight a new dimension, allowing you to use the lighter, more intense shades on the brow bones and cupids bow, while the deeper bronze is better suited to your cheeks and chin. What’s more, it gives you plenty of freedom, letting you pick a shade to fit your mood, or the occasion. Why have one highlighter when you could have three? Paraben-free.


Merk Kevyn Aucoin
EAN 836622008601