Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer 10g (Various Shades) - SX 13

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Product omschrijving

Achieve flawless-looking skin with the Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer, an award-winning complexion perfector that acts as a concealer, corrector, highlighter and contour. The waterproof formula works to cover blemishes, discolouration, dark circles, redness and tattoos thanks to its flexible and full coverage. Lightweight and blendable, it provides a high concentration of pigment, while resisting creasing, caking or settling into fine lines. Infused with jojoba oil, vitamin E and honey, the skin enhancer helps to moisturise and protect skin as you wear it. Arriving in 16 shades and suitable for all skin types, it provides long-lasting, luminous coverage.


Merk Kevyn Aucoin
EAN 836622009899