Super Facialist Rosehip Hydrate Peaceful Skin Night Cream - 50ml

Van het merk Super Facialist

Er zijn helaas geen Super Facialist Rosehip Hydrate Peaceful Skin Night Cream - 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Experience the replenishing powers of the Super Facialist Rose Hydrate Peaceful Skin Night Cream. The rich formula works to deeply nourish your skin while you sleep, to reveal a radiant-glowing complexion when you awaken. Enriched with hyaluronic acid, the night cream works to intensely hydrate your skin, while a calming infusion of rosehip and soothing cucumber help to plump the skin with moisture, supporting the skins natural elasticity. The powerful blend of ingredients helps to lock in moisture and provide long-lasting luminosity.


Merk Super Facialist
EAN 5060388880347