KISS Brow Tint Kit (Diverse Tinten) - Brown

Van het merk Kiss

Er zijn helaas geen KISS Brow Tint Kit (Diverse Tinten) - Brown aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Achieve at-home results with the Brow Tint Kit by KISS, an easy-to-use eyebrow tinting set with all you need to get a darker, more defined, and shaped finish. Lasting up to six weeks, the tint can be left on for as little as five minutes, or longer for a customisable, deeper shade. Infused with biotin, the formula seeks to nourish the hairs to promote stronger and fuller-looking brows. Set Contents: Colour Cream 10 ml, Developer Solution 10 ml, Mixing Stick, Brow Wand, Mixing Bowl, Instruction Booklet.


Merk Kiss
EAN 731509972870