KISS Lijm Liner (Diverse Tinten) - Clear

Van het merk Kiss

Er zijn helaas geen KISS Lijm Liner (Diverse Tinten) - Clear aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Transform your lash game with the Glue Liner by KISS. The two-in-one eyeliner pen doubles as a lash glue, creating a foolproof finish with an effortless application. The fuss-free glue glides along your lash line like a regular liner, and while tacky, will adhere your favourite KISS lashes. Effortlessly touched-up, the lash band will blend seamlessly and attach securely on top of the liner. For those natural lash days, the formula dries down as a normal felt tip liner with a matte finish.


Merk Kiss
EAN 731509827446