Ardell Magnetic MegaHold Liquid Liner and Lash 054

Van het merk Ardell

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Product omschrijving

We’ve teamed up two of your lash favorites to let you create dashing eyes anytime and anywhere you need to! Ardell’s Magnetic Mega hold Liner and Lash kit contains your Magnetic Mega hold Lashes in 054 and Duo’s Line It Lash It in intense black shade. This set allows you to fashion up your eye makeup from which to apply, how to apply it, and to making it holds your look for long hours. Offers unshakable hold even through happy tears, sweat, and even sudden movements! Plus, the magnetic lash liner works double as a black eyeliner so you won’t have to worry about stuffing more into your make-up!


Merk Ardell
EAN 074764612359