Ardell Magnetic MegaHold Liquid Liner and Lash 056

Van het merk Ardell

Er zijn helaas geen Ardell Magnetic MegaHold Liquid Liner and Lash 056 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The lash duo offers a luscious lash look you'll love! Ardell has teamed the new Magnetic Mega hold in 056 with Duo's Line It Lash. Comes in a set. The only purpose is to enhance the look of your eyes with a natural but stunning look. People won't be able to take off their eyes on you! This set provides an end-to-end magnetic hold securing your lashes through sweat, sudden movements, or even unexpected happy tears. Includes Duo dual-purpose lash glue that looks like black eyeliner when applied! it's an all-in-one lash kit perfect for lash any lover or beginner!


Merk Ardell
EAN 074764612373