Ardell Brow Tint - Dark Brown

Van het merk Ardell

Er zijn helaas geen Ardell Brow Tint - Dark Brown aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Sculpt the brows of your dreams with the Ardell Brow Tint. Available in a gorgeous collection of natural shades, Ardell has something for everyone. Save your money and enjoy a salon grade treatment from the comfort of your own home. Effortless to apply and easy to use, the tine safely and permanently dyes your brows – lasting for up to two weeks! Ideal for someone who wants to mix up their look, cover some greys, or embolden their brows. The kit comes with a reusable tray, spoolie and spatula – giving you everything you could need. The Kit Contains: Powder Tint (8.5g) Conditioning Developer (30ml)


Merk Ardell
EAN 0074764618955