Illamasqua Vuurwerk Gezicht Trio Palet

Van het merk Illamasqua

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Product omschrijving

Create a glowing complexion with Illamasqua's Firework Face Trio Palette. Housing three essential powders in one compact, the palette enables you to sculpt, shade and brighten the complexion, ideal for both everyday and special occasions. Shades: Powder Blusher - Kate This vivid, cool-toned pink hue instantly brightens the complexion, creating a healthy-looking flush of colour. Beyond Powder Highlighter - OMG This best-selling dimensional highlighter adds instant radiance and luminosity to the skin. Powder Sculpt Contour - Silhouette This cool-toned contour shade works to sculpt, enhance and define the features.


Merk Illamasqua
EAN 5056379591323