Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Candle 200g

Van het merk Aromatherapy Associates

Er zijn helaas geen Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Candle 200g aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Candle features a natural essential oil blend to envelop the senses in a relaxing and soothing scent. Infused with frankincense, wild camomile and petitgrain, the candle is formulated to unlock an indulgent moment of selfcare. For up to 40 hours of enjoyment, the candle has been hand-poured in the UK and arrives in an expertly crafted, ceramic holder for a sleek addition to any space.


Merk Aromatherapy Associates
EAN 642498015403