Neostrata Clarify Exfoliating Mask for Blemish-Prone Skin 75ml

Van het merk Neostrata

Er zijn helaas geen Neostrata Clarify Exfoliating Mask for Blemish-Prone Skin 75ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Designed for oily, breakout-prone skin, Neostrata’s Overnight Mask works to exfoliate the skin to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and post-blemish marks.The mask uses 8% NeoGlucosamine®, a patented non-acid amino sugar, to provide gentle exfoliation and remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dulling impurities. Applied overnight, the rinse-off mask promotes a visibly clear and radiant complexion.Free from oil and fragrance.


Merk Neostrata
EAN 732013301033