Kate Somerville KateCeuticals Total Repair Cream 30ml

Van het merk Kate Somerville

Er zijn helaas geen Kate Somerville KateCeuticals Total Repair Cream 30ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Replenish and fortify your skin with the Kate Somerville KateCeuticals Total Repair Cream. This moisturiser is a powerhouse in the anti-ageing field, working to visibly reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. To be used daily, the formula is packed full of restorative ingredients. Hyaluronic Acid, loudly celebrated for its hydrating abilities, helps to plump and condition tired skin. Lactic Acid aids firmness and areas of hyperpigmentation; it offers effective lifting benefits while helping to unify uneven tone. Finally, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil soothes angry skin, fighting dryness, dullness and redness. This face cream adopts a firming approach, helping to smooth, tighten and revitalise the appearance of mature complexions.


Merk Kate Somerville
EAN 810023370727