ZitSticka Goo Getter Spot Clarifying Dots

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Product omschrijving

Target breakouts with the ZitSticka GOO GETTER™ Spot Clarifying Dots. Formulated with moisture-drawing hydrocolloid, the patches work to absorb fluid and impurities from late-stage zits. Acting as an artificial scab, the discreet patch covers an individual spot, working to speed up the healing process and reduce its appearance. Salicylic acid acts as an exfoliant, while niacinamide helps to reduce the look of redness. The patches help to minimise the risk of post-zit dark spots thanks to the brightening effects of antioxidant-rich vitamin C. Finally, tea tree oil targets zit-causing dirt to promote a clear and calm complexion. Box includes 36 patches.


Merk Zitsticka
EAN 9353371000096