PURITO BHA Dead Skin Moisture Gel 100ml

Van het merk Purito

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Product omschrijving

Decongest oily or blemish-prone skin with PURITO’s BHA Dead Skin Moisture Gel, an overnight exfoliator with 2% betaine salicylate to dissolve dead skin cells, renewing radiance and clarity. Ridding skin of old impurities clogging up pores and making skin appear dull, the transparent gel instantly soothes and revitalises with its cool, hydrating texture, boosted with a moisturising kick of aloe and sodium hyaluronate. With an acidity of pH 3.5, the clear gel helps keep bacteria out and water in, while extracts of mugwort and tea tree comfort areas of redness and sensitivity. Safe for use on all skin types, including sensitive. Vegan. Cruelty-free. Free from essential oils and artificial fragrances.


Merk Purito
EAN 8809563100378