PURITO From Green Cleansing Oil 200ml

Van het merk Purito

Er zijn helaas geen PURITO From Green Cleansing Oil 200ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Harnessing the mighty power of nature, PURITO’s From Green Cleansing Oil effortlessly removes stubborn makeup and breaks down oils and sunscreen for a wholesome purifying experience. Massaged into dry skin, the warmth of your hands activates the nourishing properties of five natural oils (olive, sunflower seed, jojoba, sweet almond and grape seed) which seep into the skin’s layers and encourage a soft, supple texture. Transforming into a milky emulsion with water, the hydrophilic oil cleanser helps to restore balance and radiance to skin, and a sensorial element to your cleansing ritual. Suitable for all skin types. Vegan. Cruelty-free. Free from essential oils and artificial fragrances.


Merk Purito
EAN 8809563100996